Wednesday, October 1, 2014

This Simple Technology Is Going To Make History – It Will Save Millions of Lives.....

"And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear and it was so. And God called the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he seas: and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:9, 10

Have you ever heard  the famous quotes that
               Ya…...there is no water for drink…Over one sixth of the world’s population is without clean water – that’s around one billion people suffering from malnutrition at this very moment . But , friends now there is a solution for this  problems…

A powerful yet compact and simple water filtration system which may be the solution to world’s water emergency, called LIFESTRAW,its body is tubular in shape, with very low dimensions.

How it works is simple:
 place one end of the tube into water and suck from the other end, that’s it.....

             This LifeStraw was designed with special emphasize on avoiding any moving parts, as a sealed unit with no replaceable spare parts, and avoiding the use of electricity, which does not exist in many areas in the 3rd world. Because force (power) is required to implement the filtering, Vestergaard Frandsen chose to use the natural source of sucking, that even babies are able to perform.
          What first meets the water when sucked up is a pre-filter of PE filter textile with a mesh opening of 100 microns, shortly followed by a second textile filter in polyester with a mesh opening of 15 microns.

           In this way all big particles are filtered out, even clusters of bacteria are removed. The first iteration of LifeStraw used iodine to kill bacteria, but the 2012 version contains no chemicals. Instead, the product incorporates mechanical filtration.

          When you suck on your LifeStraw, water is forced through hollow fibers, which contain pores less than 0.2 microns across — thus, a micro-filtration device.Any dirt, bacteria or parasites are trapped in the fibers, while the clean water passes through. 

 Simply......When you’re done drinking, you simply blow air out of the straw to clear the filter...........

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