Monday, October 6, 2014


Friends......Look at this...The new concept about phone.
                              Have you see full leather case of phone..????.The concept called Leather phone.

                  The artist looked for several years ahead and borrowed from the future a full set of flexible electronics.The smartphones is made on a flexible platform with a flexible display and 
flexible same battery....Sure , it is convenient in practice....And  to increase life span was chosen 
skin for body.

Actually, it is a nice it????... It’s finally a flexible phone with Windows Phone and one that changes the norm and materials used for such device projects.

This leather phone consist of flexible piece of hardware and leather ,plus fabric on top of it... The thing is that said case is actually the flexible smartphone’s case and it easily folds as you bend it. Usually it’s plastic OLED nowadays that makes such things possible. What will the future bring?..several companies try to bring this concept to reality...And so, we can wait for this.............

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