Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Yaa…all one in our country is proud to be an Indian. On the morning of 24 September, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) slowed down the spacecraft sufficiently so it could be caught in the orbit of Mars.

"India became the first Asian country to have achieved this and if it happens in the maiden attempt itself, India could become the first country in the world to have reached distant Mars on its own steam in the first attempt." 

India awaits the final phrase of its biggest space ambition till date, Magalyaan from Mangal which means planet Mars and Yaan which means Spacecraft), the mission to Mars. The nation’s debut mission to Mars was lunched on 5 November 2013 by her national space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The total mission was of 300 days and will come to an end when it will enter the orbit of Mars on early morning of 24th September which is just a few hours from now. If successful, India will become the fourth nation to successfully place its spacecraft in martian orbit, the first to be successful  on her debut mars mission, and first to do so in Asia. 

Yes….....September 24 will go down in history as a red letter day. The first sign of success in the final moments came when ISRO announced that burn of engines on India's Mars orbiter had been confirmed. Igniting the main engine was critical as it had been lying in slumber for about 300 days and was woken up briefly for four seconds on Monday

You know..?  A one-km auto rickshaw ride in Ahmedabad takes Rs 10 and India reached Mars at Rs 7 per km which is really amazing  ……....Is it? We reached Mars at a smaller budget than a Hollywood movie..

Everything about Mangalyaan is indigenous!!!!!!

. If this is not talent, then what is??????????????

JAI HIND.................


Joining the Kites team was one of the best decisions of my career. Our work environment is collaborative and team-oriented, and I feel empowered to share my ideas with anyone in the company and know that my voice will be heard. The way I have been treated at Kites outlines its professionalism and caring for its employees. Management is extremely supportive of career development opportunities. I got a platform to learn more and develop my skills. I also love interacting with each and every one of the diverse individuals who work at kites embedded solutions. My job is enjoyable, challenging, and I work with an amazing team of intelligent and passionate individuals.
Joining the Kites team was one of the best decisions of my career. Our work environment is collaborative and team-oriented, and knows that my voice will be heard. The way I have been treated
at Kites outlines its professionalism and caring for its employees.Management is extremely supportive of career development opportunities. I got a platform to learn more and develop my skills. My job is enjoyable, challenging, and I work with an amazing team of intelligent and passionate individuals.


After completing my B Tech in Electronics & Communication, I looked for a job related to my field of study, rather than going for pure IT jobs. But then I realized that there was a gap in technology, as what the industry required & what we acquired from our degree. Thus, I decided to join Kites Embedded Solutions Pvt. Ltd., as they were taking trainees, in the embedded electronics & related field.Thus I got enrolled for their OJT (On-the Job Training) program in MATLAB which was for a duration of 6 months. This was a turning point in my life as I could identify my potential & with only little (one month) training & hard work, I could take up projects on my own & also could complete them within the specified time.After that I successfully completed 3 years in Kites Embedded Solutions Pvt. Ltd., training a lot more people & later resigned as R&D Engineer in MATLAB, after getting a new job in KPIT Technologies, Pune as Software Engineer in Image Processing.Thus my 3 years at Kites Embedded Solutions taught me a lot, helped me bridge that gap to what the industry require & will always be the stepping stone or foundation to whatever heights I will achieve in my career.So with great pleasure, I would like to thank the management for showing faith in me & helping me to greater heights.